My Holding Spaces

My Substack page is where you can journey with me as I intimately share my creative process, my how's and why's, what questions I ask as I make my work, and who and what inspires the answers. 

Creativity is so much more than 'making things'. 

It is how I see the world, how I make sense of it, and how my emotional language connects from my spirit, soul, past, present and future self. 

Here, I give you an insight into my non-linear and holistic methods of thinking as I try to understand my place in the world.

You will find:
Weekly 20min audio prompts to inspire and nurture your creative process. 
Monthly 1 hr pre recorded divination and manifestation sessions to explore at your leisure.
Monthly writings on my emotional and spiritual well being, and how I process these through my art practice.

I invite you to explore your own creative thoughts and practice, your how's and why's and what sustains your work. 

I resource an array of literature and art, from poetry, to Black Feminist Soul diving, post modern and contemporary Art to experimental watercolour, painting and drawing techniques.

I really look forward to sharing my practice with you, and hope you gleam from it ways to dive deeper and expand your own x 



Marker and Crayon on Newsprint

Anna Jacob